Loan Rates

Secured Loans

PRIMARY PLEDGE RATES | Collateral Secured (ie- Auto, Motorcycle, Camper, etc.)
Rates updated 05/01/2024

Approximate Term APR*
84 Month* 5.99% - 8.49%
72 Month* 5.74% - 14.99%
60 Month* 5.49% - 17.49%
48 Month* 5.24% - 17.24%
36 Month* 4.99% - 16.99%
RVs - 84 Month* 8.24% - 13.24%
RVs - 120 Month* 9.50% - 14.50%
RVs - 180 Month* 11.50% - 17.50%
*Approximate Term--The approximate term is provided to disclose the term we use to calculate payments for the Credit Union's open-end loan products. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.
Type of Loan APR
Share Savings Secured 2.05%
Certificate Secured 2.23%**

**As of 10/21/14 this rate is 2.23% APR based on 1 year share certificate rate for $100,000 or more. Interest on all Share Certificates Loans will be 2% above the certificate rate. See your loan disbursement voucher for our current rate. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.



Personal Loans

Rates updated 05/01/2024

Type of Loan APR
Personal 8.65% - 14.65%
Overdraft 14.90%**
*Loan rates are based on credit worthiness as determined by applicant's credit bureau Beacon score. APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.


Credit Card Rates

Type of Loan APR
Platinum Visa 9.90% - 17.90%
*Credit Card rate is based on credit worthiness as determined by applicant's credit bureau Beacon score. APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.